
FurySync is a free application allowing you to synchronize subtitles.

You can either synchronize every line or only some of them while letting the software compute the rest.

FurySync is a fast and reliable solution as it allows you to synchronize all the lines of a subtitle without having to type the time and the length of each subtitle like with other software.

Because FurySync features a built-in media player, you can synchronize the beginning of a line by simply clicking a button or pressing F2 when you hear it on the video.

The end is marked by clicking another button or releasing the F2 key.

The program automatically computes what you don’t manage to synchronize using these actions. As a result, you will not be spending too much time synchronizing a subtitle (not more than the length of the video), and FurySync can display the amount of time spent on a subtitle.
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