A-Ray Scanner

A-Ray Scanner helps you start creating almost 1:1 copies of your original discs even if they are protected.

This compact application allows you to detect protections such as StarForce, SafeDisc, TAGES, ProtectCD, Securom, Slovak Protector and many others. The program can also scan directories and CDs.

Companies develop disc protections to prevent piracy, but on the other hand, this also means users cannot create backups.

Since in some countries users are allowed to create backup discs, you may need this kind of application to make sure you protect your investment.

One of the applications easing the data backup process is A-Ray Scanner, which does nothing more but detect the protection type of a disc.

The operating mode is simple: you select the input disc drive and after a very short scanning session, the program tells you what kind of protection you are dealing with.

A short list of recognized protections includes Bitpool, 3Plock, CD-Cops, Cactus Data Shield, CDProtector, CodeLock, DiscGuard, Copykiller, SafeDisc, ProtectCD, Settec Alpha Rom, SecuROM, SVKP, Tages, Sysuphius and standard VCD and SVCD protections.

A-Ray Scanner has not been developed anymore since 2005 and it cannot recognize today’s latest protection types. This application is recommended if you intend to use it with older discs, produced before 2005. The last version,, was improved with better StarForce Detection, and VOB ProtectCD Detection. LaserLock Marathon Detection was added, too.

A-Ray Scanner and any similar application are recommended to those who intend to create backup copies of their CDs, and not unauthorized replications.

Besides identifying the protection type, you also need to find software which is able to remove it.
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